is bladder cancer fast or slow growing



How dangerous is bladder cancer?

 · The bladder can hold about half of a liter of urine and expands, but a person usually feels the urge to urinate when the bladder is 25% full. When it is empty, the bladder will contract and become smaller. Due to the bladder’s skill to expand and contract, it’s thought of as a balloon that was muscle.

What are the chances of survival for bladder cancer?

 · Bladder tumors almost always arise from the shiny bladder lining. The cells grow unusually fast causing a tumor to sprout up from the flatlining into a growth projecting into the interior of the bladder cavity. In general, tumors at this stage are not life-threatening.

What is the survival rate for Stage 3 bladder cancer?

 · The lowest Gleason score is 6, which is a low-grade cancer. A Gleason score of 7 is a medium-grade cancer, and a score of 8, 9, or 10 is a high-grade cancer. A lower-grade cancer grows more slowly and is less likely to spread than a high-grade cancer. Are Tumors Of The Bladder Generally Slow Growing.

What is the recovery time for bladder cancer surgery?

 · Talk now. Depends: It depends on the type of cancer and stage at the time sof diagnosis. If it is a non-aggressive form, it may take months or sometimes years to recur. If the tumor is very aggressive or advanced at the time of diagnosis, it is much more likely to recur quickly. 6.2k views Reviewed >2 years ago. Thank.


How does bladder cancer start?

Bladder cancer starts when cells that make up the urinary bladder start to grow out of control. As more cancer cells develop, they can form a tumor and, with time, spread to other parts of the body. (To learn more about how cancers start and spread, see What Is Cancer?)

What is the name of the cell that starts bladder cancer?

Small cell carcinoma. Less than 1% of bladder cancers are small-cell carcinomas. They start in nerve-like cells called neuroendocrine cells. These cancers often grow quickly and usually need to be treated with chemotherapy like that used for small cell carcinoma of the lung.

What percentage of bladder cancers are adenocarcinoma?

Adenocarcinoma. Only about 1% of bladder cancers are adenocarcinomas. These cancer cells have a lot in common with gland-forming cells of colon cancers . Nearly all adenocarcinomas of the bladder are invasive.


Where do papillary tumors grow?

Papillary tumors often grow toward the center of the bladder without growing into the deeper bladder layers. These tumors are called non-invasive papillary cancers.

Can bladder cancer be a cancer?

In fact, if you have bladder cancer it’s almost certain to be a urothelial carcinoma. These cancers start in the urothelial cells that line the inside of the bladder. Urothelial cells also line other parts of the urinary tract, such as the part of the kidney that connects to the ureter (called the renal pelvis), the ureters, and the urethra.

Where does bladder cancer spread?

Over time, the cancer might grow outside the bladder and into nearby structures. It might spread to nearby lymph nodes, or to other parts of the body. (When bladder cancer spreads, it tends to go to distant lymph nodes, the bones, the lungs, or the liver.)


Is bladder cancer harder to treat?

Invasive cancers have grown into deeper layers of the bladder wall. These cancers are more likely to spread and are harder to treat.

How long does it take for a tumor to recur?

Depends: It depends on the type of cancer and stage at the time sof diagnosis. If it is a non-aggressive form, it may take months or sometimes years to recur. If the tumor is very aggressive or advanced at the time of diagnosis, it is much more likely to recur quickly.

Can a low grade tumor spread outside the bladder?

Low grade tumors typically do not spread outside of the bladder, though both kinds can often recur. Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers — it’s anonymous and free! Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours.


Can bladder cancer spread?

It depends: There are different types of bladder cancer. Some behave very aggressively while others do not. Generally, high grade (a microscopic feature) cancers are associated with high risk of larger tumors (high stage) which may spread and even be fatal. Low grade tumors typically do not spread outside of the bladder, though both kinds can often recur.

What is stage 0 bladder cancer?

Stage 0 bladder cancer includes non-invasive papillary carcinoma (Ta) and flat non-invasive carcinoma (Tis or carcinoma in situ). In either case, the cancer is only in the inner lining layer of the bladder. It has not invaded (spread deeper into) the bladder wall.

What is the first treatment for bladder cancer?

Chemo (with or without radiation) is typically the first treatment when bladder cancer has spread to distant parts of the body (M1). After this treatment the cancer is rechecked. If it looks like it’s gone, a boost of radiation to the bladder may be given or cystectomy might be done.


What to do if you have cancer that hasn’t been removed?

(Less often, close follow-up alone might be an option.) If all of the cancer wasn’t removed, options are intravesical BCG or cystectomy (removal of part or all of the bladder).

How to get rid of stage IV cancer?

The tumor is then rechecked. If it appears to be gone, chemo with or without radiation or cystectomy are options.

What is the treatment for cancer that recurs in distant parts of the body?

Cancers that recur in distant parts of the body can be harder to remove with surgery, so other treatments, such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, or radiation therapy , might be needed. For more on dealing with a recurrence, see Understanding Recurrence.


Can you get a radical cystectomy before surgery?

Radical cystectomy may be the only treatment for people who are not well enough to get chemo. But most doctors prefer to give chemo before surgery because it’s been shown to help patients live longer than surgery alone. When chemo is given first, surgery is delayed. This is not a problem if the chemo shrinks the bladder cancer, but it might be harmful if the tumor continues to grow during chemo.

Can you get a partial cystectomy for bladder cancer?

Lymph nodes near the bladder are often removed as well. If cancer is in only one part of the bladder, a partial cystectomy may be done instead. But this is possible in only a small number of patients . Radical cystectomy may be the only treatment for people who are not well enough to get chemo.

What is bladder tumor?

Bladder tumors: Are usually found in middle and older age pateint, presenting with gross or microscopic blood in the urine. Some are ‘superficial’ not penetrating into muscle, and penetrate later into muscle. Not all progress, but some do. Instilled treatments are used first, but if muscle invasive, bladder removal is treatment of choice.


Does bladder cancer grow faster?

Depends on grade: In general, the “grade”, or the microscopic features, of bladder cancer will define the rate of growth. High grade cancers grow more quickly than low grade cancers, and are associated with more advanced (high “stage”) types of cancer and poorer outcomes compared to low grade cancers which are generally low “stage”.

Which cancer is the slowest growing?

Slowest is prostate. Every man would die of this is they otherwise lived to 120, but screening is no longer recommended if you have a life expectancy of less than 20 years. Small cell lung cancer is very aggressive and fast growing and Non small cell lung cancer is slow growing, but still very serious!

Why is cancer a failure?

Cancer is a failure of the biological mechanisms that govern the normal lifecycle of cells in your body. For a range of reasons, the biological mechanisms that govern cell division, cell growth and cell death occasionally go wrong, resulting in cells growing and dividing uncontrollably.


How many types of cancer are there?

There are about 75 types of common cancers and many of them have subsets. Some cancers grow at a linear rate others exhibit exponential and logarithmic growth rates. Most prostate cancers are very slow, so slow that the patent mat well die of other causes before that particular cancer does, others are rapid.

What stage is anaplastic thyroid cancer?

Anaplastic thyroid cancer (it’s so fast that by the time it’s diagnosed, it’s always stage IV)

How does cancer affect the body?

The direct effect of impingement by collections of cancer cells (tumors) on vital organs may impair blood flow to them , causing tissue death. (This is due to the back pressure on the microcirculation – not the obstruction of larger arteries, which seldom become obstructed by cancer – likely due to the high pressure in them. Veins, however, which are low pressure passageways for blood, may become obstructed due to extrinsic compression.) Other mass effects may include obstruction of hollow organs such as


Does drinking water cause cancer?

Drinking water from plastic bottles which have sat in heat (like car under sun) has been linked to cancer. Processed food: That food does not have fibre in it and hence causes constipation, when this continues for long, inflammation develops in colon, and that long term inflammation then turns into tumour.

Does cancer cause weight loss?

As far as cancers other than leukemia, most cancers cause weight loss via the production of cachectin-like substances, which tell the brain to stop feeling hungry, and probably interfere with fat storage and utilization, forcing the metabolic system to feed on normal tissue for its energy requirements. Muscle wasting is common (and can be readily assessed by looking at the temples. Temporal wasting is proportional to that of muscle tissue everywhere.) It is difficult to reverse, despite what sometimes appears to be successful treatment of the cancer, and the complications of malnutrition ultimately lead to death. This is much more merciful than the chronic, progressive and unremitting pain many cancer patients experience as deposits of tumor cells erode through bones, nerves and visceral organs. Any organ may fail due to infiltration by cancer cells, but starvation usually happens before that does.

Types of Bladder Cancer

  • Urothelial carcinoma
    Urothelial carcinoma, also known as transitional cell carcinoma(TCC), is by far the most common type of bladder cancer. In fact, if you have bladder cancer it’s almost certain to be a urothelial carcinoma. These cancers start in the urothelial cells that line the inside of the bladder. Urotheli…

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Other Types of Bladder Cancer

  • Other types of cancer can start in the bladder, but these are all much less common than urothelial (transitional cell) cancer.

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Start and Spread of Bladder Cancer

  • The wall of the bladder has many several layers. Each layer is made up of different kinds of cells (see Bladder Cancer Stagesfor details on the different layers). Most bladder cancers start in the innermost lining of the bladder, which is called the urothelium or transitional epithelium. As the cancer grows into or through the other layers in the bladder wall, it has a higher stage, becomes …

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