can asbestos exposure cause bladder cancer



Ever exposure to asbestos at work was associated with a 32% increase in odds of bladder cancer (95%CI: 0.98–1.77).Mar 3, 2020

How does asbestos cause life-threatening cancer?

In fact, it is thought that most mesotheliomas are due to asbestos exposure ( 9 ). There is limited evidence that asbestos exposure is linked to increased risks of cancers of the stomach, pharynx, and colorectum ( 8 ). Asbestos exposure may also increase the risk of asbestosis (an inflammatory condition affecting the lungs that can cause …

Can Avandia cause bladder cancer?

In general, however, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that asbestos exposure is directly related to bladder cancer. Scientific Research on Asbestos and Bladder Cancer. One study conducted on subjects living in residences with asbestos insulation, published in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet [1], found no difference in incidences of bladder cancer between …

Can You Survive asbestos caused cancer?

Researchers still have to conduct further studies to confirm that asbestos exposure can cause bladder cancer. Asbestos Exposure Can Lead to Many Types of Cancers. Asbestos exposure may not cause bladder cancer, but it can contribute to your risk for numerous other types of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, asbestos exposure may increase your risk …

What other cancers are caused by asbestos?

Occupational exposure to asbestos and urinary bladder cancer. By the use of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersion spectrometry the amount (mean value mean = 191 +/- 94 fibers/mg of tissue) and the type (chrysotile and tremolite) of asbestos fibers have been determined in tissue samples of four bladder cancer patients affected by pulmonar ….


What is the most common kind of cancer caused by asbestos?

Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is probably the most common illness associated with asbestos exposure. This is a rare cancer of the membrane that covers the lungs and chest cavity, membranes surrounding other organs, or the membrane lining of the abdominal cavity.

What cancers are caused by asbestos exposure?

Exposure to asbestos causes most mesotheliomas (a relatively rare cancer of the thin membranes that line the chest and abdomen); it can also cause cancers of the lung, larynx, and ovary.

How long does it take to develop cancer after asbestos exposure?

Mesotheliomas related to asbestos exposure take a long time to develop. The time between the first asbestos exposure and diagnosis of mesothelioma is usually between 20 and 50 years. And the risk of mesothelioma does not go down over time after the exposure to asbestos stops.

What are two 2 diseases associated with asbestos exposure?

Exposure to asbestos can increase the risk of developing:Lung cancer.Asbestosis, which causes permanent lung damage.Mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the chest and stomach lining.Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and throat (larynx or oropharynx).Scarring of the lung lining.More items…•

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is the name given to six minerals that occur naturally in the environment as bundles of fibers that can be separated into thin, durable th…

How is asbestos used?

Asbestos has been mined and used commercially in North America since the late 1800s. Its use increased greatly during World War II ( 3 , 4 ). Sinc…

What are the health hazards of exposure to asbestos?

People may be exposed to asbestos in their workplace, their communities, or their homes. If products containing asbestos are disturbed, tiny asbest…

Who is at risk for an asbestos-related disease?

Everyone is exposed to asbestos at some time during their life. Low levels of asbestos are present in the air, water, and soil. However, most peopl…

What factors affect the risk of developing an asbestos-related disease?

Several factors can help to determine how asbestos exposure affects an individual, including: Dose (how much asbestos an individual was exposed to)…

How does smoking affect risk?

Many studies have shown that the combination of smoking and asbestos exposure is particularly hazardous. Smokers who are also exposed to asbestos h…

How are asbestos-related diseases detected?

Individuals who have been exposed (or suspect they have been exposed) to asbestos fibers on the job, through the environment, or at home via a fami…

How can workers protect themselves from asbestos exposure?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a component of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and is the Federal agency responsib…

What programs are available to help individuals with asbestos-related diseases?

Some people with asbestos-related illness may be eligible for Medicare coverage. Information about benefits is available from Medicare’s Regiona…


Does asbestos insulation cause bladder cancer?

One study conducted on subjects living in residences with asbestos insulation, published in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet [1], found no difference in incidences of bladder cancer between exposed residents and the non-exposed control group.

Is asbestos related to bladder cancer?

Research on the link between asbestos exposure and bladder cancer is extremely limited, and mixed. In general, however, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that asbestos exposure is directly related to bladder cancer.

What are some examples of occupational exposures to bladder cancer?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, many other occupational exposures could put you at an increased risk of developing bladder cancer. For example, a study on the environmental risk factors for bladder cancer shows a strong link between industrial chemicals known as aromatic amines and bladder cancer. Benzidine and beta-naphthylamine are two examples of frequently used carcinogenic industrial chemicals that contribute to bladder cancer.

What to do if you have bladder cancer?

If you believe your bladder cancer occurred because of occupational exposure to asbestos, or exposure to other aromatic amines, you may want to discuss your case with an asbestos cancer attorney. An attorney may be able to help you file a claim and take other legal action.

What cancers affect the lining of the lungs?

Mesothelioma that affects the lining of the lungs. Lung cancer. Cancer of the larynx (voice box) Cancer of the pharynx (throat) Cancers affecting organs in the abdomen may include: Stomach cancer. Ovarian cancer. Colorectal cancer. Mesothelioma that affects the lining of the abdomen.

Can asbestos fibers cause cancer?

Despite the findings, researchers do not yet know all the negative effects of working with and around asbestos fibers. Swallowing asbestos fibers, for example, could allow them to travel to the bladder, or these fibers could land in the bladder in another way. Researchers still have to conduct further studies to confirm that asbestos exposure can cause bladder cancer.

Can a surgeon find asbestos in a resection?

Your surgeon may discover asbestos fibers in the tissue removed during a resection, for example. You will need to present a compelling case with strong medical evidence that your cancer occurred or progressed as a result of your exposure in order to receive financial awards.

When was asbestos banned?

Asbestos has been largely phased out of society ever since the Environmental Protection Agency outlawed most forms of it in the Clean Air Act of 1973. However, the Act did not outlaw asbestos completely, and the United States remains one of the few developed nations without a total asbestos ban in place. As a result …

Is asbestos a carcinogen?

The carcinogenic properties of asbestos can cause great damage to your health, especially through regular occupational exposure. Studies have linked asbestos exposure to other types of cancers, especially lung cancer, so your history of asbestos exposure presents a health risk regardless.

How does asbestos get into the bladder?

Some ingested fibers can remain inside the bladder after urine expulsion or enter it by traveling through the circulatory system.

What is secondary exposure to asbestos?

Secondary asbestos exposure entails inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers which came off the workers’ clothes, shoes, skin or hair. There were plenty of ways the family members of workers could have breathed in toxic asbestos fibers, such as while laundering their clothes, when children were greeting or playing with their fathers or when using the same furniture as them.

Can asbestos fibers cause cancer?

Occupational asbestos exposure is correlated with a high risk of urinary bladder cancer. The microscopic size of the fibers allows asbestos to enter the bloodstream after inhalation, which can subsequently reach the urinary tract, while ingested asbestos particles can also become embedded in the walls of the bladder while they are being flushed out, scarring the tissue and forming tumors and cancer inside the bladder. You will need an additional medical diagnosis of asbestos fibers in your lungs or other lung condition in order for our attorneys to be able to take your case.

Can bladder cancer be misdiagnosed?

When it comes to misdiagnosis, bladder cancer is no exception. As numerous other malignant cancers, it is often mistaken for less severe conditions, such as urinary tract infections, interstitial cystitis, bladder papilloma, passing a kidney or bladder stone, overactive bladder, renal cell carcinoma or, in the case of men, the enlargement of their prostate or prostate cancer.

Can you get 100% disability for asbestos?

Asbestos diseases entitle veterans to compensation benefits only if the majority of the asbestos exposure occurred during active duty. Only a few of these diseases will bring in a 100% disability coverage (like pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma), and all of them require documentation and proof that they were caused by asbestos exposure and not other causes.

Can you file a claim with asbestos trust funds if it expires?

However, you should keep in mind that seeking legal help as soon as possible is essential, as the statute of limitations will prevent us from filing a claim with asbestos trust funds if it expires. Therefore, contacting our attorneys shortly after your loved one passes away is highly preferable, although we know how difficult that might be for you.

Can asbestos cause bladder cancer?

The causes of bladder cancer vary greatly, from acquired or inherited gene mutations to lifestyle choices such as toba cco smoking. However, it has recently been discovered that asbestos exposure also represents a risk factor for bladder cancer and many other urinary problems as well. Because asbestos fibers – being microscopic and often needle-like – can travel through the body, they can easily reach the urinary system as well, where they might get stuck and gradually lead to inflammation and tissue scarring. These symptoms could, over time, give way to a malignant tumor inside or outside the bladder.

How many people die from asbestos?

Approximately 125 million people around the globe have been exposed to asbestos through their occupations. The WHO estimates that more than 107,000 people die every year from lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis as a result. Additionally, one-third of cases of occupational cancer can be linked to asbestos exposure in some form.

Can asbestos cause tumors?

The study notes that the body primarily flushes out toxic and carcinogenic agents through the renal system. As a result , the kidney and bladder can be exposed to carcinogenic products such as asbestos, which can cause tumors to develop over time. In fact, asbestos fibers have been found in the urine of many at-risk populations – such as factory workers and miners – reinforcing the notion that urinary apparatus tumors can be caused by this hazardous material.

Does asbestos cause bladder cancer?

It is plausible that asbestos exposure may play a role in the development of bladder, bile duct, renal cancers and other malignancies, and the research is continuing. However, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), at present there is sufficient medical evidence to state that asbestos caused cancers include only mesothelioma, lung cancer, cancer of the larynx and the ovaries. Therefore, we do not currently recommend litigation in the U.S. for bladder cancers, but constantly review our position as new evidence emerges.

Is asbestos a carcinogen?

The evidence for a causal association between asbestos and other human cancers is not as extensive but suggests that asbestos may be carcinogenic at several different sites.

Is asbestos a cause of kidney cancer?

Further support for a causal association includes studies finding asbestos fibers in human kidneys and urine, as well as reports of kidney tumors in two animal bioassays. It is concluded that asbestos should be regarded as a probable cause of human kidney cancer.

What are the most common causes of bladder cancer?

The most notable risk factor for the development of bladder cancers is occupational exposure to aromatic amines, first noted in England over 100 years ago. The compounds 2-naphthylamine, 4-aminobiphenyl and benzidine can be found in the products from the chemical, dye and rubber industries as well as in hair dyes, paints, fungicides, cigarette smoke, plastics, metal and motor vehicle exhaust and pollutant emissions from industrial installations [35-38].

What are the environmental factors that contribute to bladder cancer?

In this review, we investigated the associations of the environmental risk factors with bladder cancer. Smoking, in particular cigarette smoking, is a well known risk factor for various diseases including bladder cancer. The effects of other type of smoking (cigar, pipe, Egyptian waterpipe, smokeless tobacco and environmental tobacco smoking) have been investigated only in a few studies. The precise mechanism of smoking-induced bladder cancer has yet to be determined. Another factor strongly associated with bladder cancer is exposure to arsenic in drinking water at concentrations higher than 300 µg/l. Other sources of arsenic exposure such as air, food, occupational hazards, and tobacco may be important, but there are not enough studies to allow demonstration of a link. The mechanism of arsenic-induced bladder cancer remains unclear. The most notable risk factor for the development of bladder cancers is occupational exposure to aromatic amines (2-naphthylamine, 4-aminobiphenyl and benzidine) and 4,4′-methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) that can be found in the chemical, dye and rubber industries as well as in hair dyes, paints, fungicides, cigarette smoke, plastics, metal and motor vehicle exhaust. Although the number of chemicals related to occupational exposure is still growing, it is worth noting that it may take several years or decades between exposure and the subsequent cancer.

What percentage of bladder cancer is transitional?

Histologically, most cases of bladder cancer are transitional cell carcinomas (90 %) ; 70 % of these are superficial and papillary subtypes [7]. The less common types are squamous cell carcinoma (3 – 5 %); adenocarcinoma (0.5 to 2 %); small cell carcinoma (less than 0.5 %); and sarcoma, carcinosarcoma/sarcomatoid tumours, paraganglioma, melanoma and lymphoma (less than 0.1 %) [8]. Haematuria, i.e., frequent urination and pain during urination, are the most common symptoms of bladder cancer [4].

How many people die from bladder cancer each year?

Bladder cancer is the 10th most common cancer worldwide, with the highest rates reported in Europe, North America and Australia, and accounting for an estimated 261 000 new cases diagnosed and 115 000 deaths each year; by comparison, relatively low rates are found in the Far Eastern countries [1,2]. In Europe, bladder cancer is the 5th most commonly diagnosed cancer type and the 9th leading cause of cancer mortality [2]. It affects men more frequently than women [3]. Typical of solid tumours, bladder cancer incidence increases with age. Tumours of the bladder rarely occur before the age of 40 – 50, arising most commonly in the seventh decade of life [4,5]. The median ages at diagnosis are 69 years for men and 71 for women [6].

What is the purpose of a review of bladder cancer?

The aim of this review is to investigate the links between various environmental risk factors and cancer of the bladder.

Does smoking cigarettes cause bladder cancer?

The precise mechanism by which cigarette, cigar and pipe smoking causes bladder cancer has yet to be determined. Zeegers et al. [4] assumed that the risk of bladder cancer is related to some of the large number of chemicals present in smoke, such as 2-naphthylamine and 4-aminobiphenyl, leading candidates for the specific etiologic agents. On the other hand, cigar and pipe smokers inhale less than cigarette smokers, which can explain an increased cancer incidence for cigar and pipe smokers in local areas of the human body (such as head cancer, neck cancer) and no increased risk through a systemic effect (such as bladder cancer) [4].

Can hair dye cause bladder cancer?

Individuals with occupational exposure to hair dyes such as hairdressers and barbers experience enhanced risk of bladder cancer although it is unclear if other lifestyle aspects are responsible for the increase in bladder cancer risk [36]. In a large population-based case-control study in Los Angeles, personal use of hair dyes was assessed according to the types of hair dyes normally used and compared with people who did not use hair dyes [42]. An elevated bladder cancer risk (odds ratio (OR) 1.9; 95 % CI 1.1 -3.3) was claimed for those who used permanent hair dyes at least once a month, for 1 year or longer. The risk increased to 3.3 (95 % CI 1.3 – 8.4) for those who used permanent hair dyes at least once a month for 15 and more years. Hairdressers who performed their jobs for more than 10 years showed a 5-fold increased risk (95 % CI 1.3 – 19.2) [40].

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